January’s Wisdom
Jan 07, 2023The ‘quiet’ month, post-holidays and frenzy is a time to reflect — to witness endings/beginnings to say hello and goodbye — to be who we are and savor it all
Well, hello January!
Boy, that came around quickly! After all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the holiday festivities...suddenly it’s January and we’re supposed to be all reenergized with resolutions, a ‘word’ for the new year and full of ambition.
But we are also tired, a bit frazzled, off kilter, thrust into Mercury Retrograde and the first full moon of the year, the Wolf Moon. According to the old Farmer’s Almanac, it’s called this because it was seen at times of the year when wolves could be howling outside villages due to hunger.
What are you hungry for?
Navigating this time of year can be tricky especially when we deviate from our own inner guidance and cadence, when we slip out of sync with Mother Nature and our own intuitive clocks. It’s a time to pay attention to what we are craving. Maybe that’s stillness, some downtime or perhaps it’s the opposite, more movement and connection. Listen and pay attention to what is calling to you.
Speaking of which, can we talk about those glorious café windows for a moment? Every year, like a kid the night before Christmas, I wait with anticipation to see what our local beauty maker, interior decorator extraordinaire, Myoshin Thurman concocts for us. And each year, the ‘big reveal’ lands like a magical gift of wonder — and each year, she blows me away!
It’s not just about creating beauty — these creations are chock full of significance and meaning — provocative and playful at the same time — unexpected reminders of recalibration. This year’s beauty derived from a theme of WISDOM.
What does wisdom mean to you?
As Myoshin poetically reminded me, it’s about knowing and celebrating who you are, how you are, where you are, as you are — and courageously standing in that conviction. As the vintage letters hanging in the window spell out: Be Who You Are and You’re a Sky Full of Stars.
The gorgeous centerpiece this year is built around the wise old owl, symbolic of so very much. The owl is forever conscious, a symbol of intuition, supernatural power, independent thinking and observant listening. The owl flies without sound, without struggle and with grace. It can see 360 degrees, amazing perspective on life.
And the color pink fills the café as sunshine beams through the windows. We are blushing. Even Santa is dressed in vintage pink velvet this year. Pink, a symbol of new life, independence, individuality, self-confidence and fearlessness. Soft, yet fierce — open-hearted and firmly convicted in truth and all that we stand for — a love of people, planet and furry (and feathered) friends.
I feel like these windows are a great reminder of our need to see and to create beauty in our lives, in our relationships, our homes, on our plates. It is a reminder to connect to our inner wisdom and nurture ourselves.
I love the solitude of winter — the stark contrast of the hustle and bustle, the damp cold, the gray hues, the quiet, the expansiveness to daydream and remember just how far I’ve come and how big my dreams are ahead of me. January is a great time to sit with all of that — allow it to dance about and percolate.
For me, life is passing by so quickly. It’s hard to believe that I’ve owned the café for 7 years now. 7 years! WOW! My daughter True was just a little girl running around the restaurant when we embarked upon this journey...and now she is driving!
I still remember my early conversations with Pam Brown when we first met over tea to discuss my purchasing what she started. Every Wednesday we would meet. Every Wednesday she would try to talk me out of making this move. While she was trying to protect me, we figured it out and she realized that I knew my destiny — that her legacy was a part of my future and I honor her for all of it.
For those who don’t yet know, sadly, Pam passed away Christmas day after a long health battle. I am so grateful to her for what she started here and for entrusting me to build upon it — our precious Garden Café. In celebration of her, we are sharing her Vivacious Violet smoothie recipe. A café classic and her daughter Misha’s favorite (which she had on a recent visit to the café).
Remembering Pam Brown 12/25/22
Yes, this is a time to tap into the wisdom of your own inner guidance. Allow yourself to feel, to appreciate, to dream. Happy January dear friends, thanks for being on this journey with me. I am grateful for 2022 and my arms are wide open to 2023 with all its lessons and experiences and opportunities that are planned for me, the cafe and my family. I await with trust.
Cheers to 2023, new beginnings and the sweetness of old memories — savor it all.
—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock