Life’s Layers
Jan 09, 2025Beauty on the inside and out — an exploration into the layered meaning of our holiday windows and life
Well, hello friends, hello 2025!
As we stand on the threshold of a new year chock full of new beginnings and possibility, I am also reminded of how layered life can be — and how important it is to not bypass this reality.
A new calendar year doesn’t sweep the past from our plate, but it helps create a richer life experience. We may not like all of its flavors, but we can certainly use its wisdom. Never be afraid to taste life.
All that to say, if your year didn’t get off to the start that you had hoped, or if your resolutions have fallen short, if you didn’t cold plunge (like the dedicated residents of my house...yes, into the frigid stream waters religiously despite the temperatures outside), or any other promise to self...deep breath. We can start again.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love my rituals, and I find comfort in routines — it’s actually one of my favorite things to share with friends (next time you see me, ask me about wiping down your front door and blowing cinnamon into your doorway at the start of a new month).
But back to what I want to share right now (and as you can see, even my newsletter is off to a delayed start). I’m so excited to talk about our glorious holiday windows that ‘magically’ appear the Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year and enchant us for months to come.
I’m currently basking in their beauty, which is breathtaking — but what I want to explore is how this masterful creation designed by my dear friend Myoshin Thurman (aka chief beauty maker and her wildly talented and darling family — thank you Kevin, Valentine & Tallulah) is steeped in layers of meaning. Let’s just say everything they touch is a work of art from the heart.
At the core of this year’s theme is the eye and it’s laden with powerful metaphors. The eye is for spiritual protection, intuition, introspection and of course to see and be seen. The pupil is a mirror that both reflects and is a window inward. As Shakespeare said, “The eyes are the window to the soul.”
You don’t need me to tell you that we live in complicated times right now. It’s so important to find ways to stay connected to ourselves, to Mother Earth, each other, our creativity and our souls. It all needs to be nurtured like a tender garden. We need to feel safe.
These beautiful eyes are scattered throughout the café — dangling from the ceiling, hanging on the shimmery tree, nestled on shelves. It feels as if they are shining down upon us like protective guardians. The Garden Café is our sanctuary to be who we are — spacious, kind, accepting full of protective love.
It is also a reminder to be the calm in the chaos. The eye of the storm is where we find tranquility in the tornado of whatever is swirling about us. It is where we can ground in calmness, recenter ourselves and quell the anxiety and upheaval.
This little jewel box of a café of mine has always felt like that to me. Sometimes when I stroll through town late at night or in the dark of morning and I see her lit up from the distance, I smile and my nervous system breathes a sigh of relief.
She has played such a role in my own healing journey and created such connection and community from all who have entered her doors. She is a place of equanimity, sanity, safety and most of all, love. And I don’t speak of the Hallmark Greeting card kind of buzz words, but of authentic, real, growing-pains kind of love.
For almost 10 years (yes, in May we will be celebrating 10 years!) we have ebbed and flowed and held hands on this rollercoaster of a ride through life — and built something incredible together.
I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. We rode the wave of the pandemic and kept our doors open when nearly 50% of restaurants in this industry closed. That’s staggering when you think about it.
We protected our café, each other and she protected us.
The big reveal of our holiday windows makes me feel like a giddy child on Christmas morning. Myo and her dream weavers take this installation very seriously. No peeking allowed. In fact, everything is blocked off and I am not allowed to be in the café during this process. It honestly makes it all the more fun!
And while these glorious works of art year after year win 1st place by our local Chamber of Commerce, I delight even more in uncovering the layers of meaning. I’m always finding new hidden messages to savor. It’s also magical to witness guests, young and old, doing the same. We are each drawn to her beauty.
Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder...so is the meaning. But be rest assured, nothing is random when it comes to Myoshin’s designs. Even the optometrist glasses, which is an antique sign from Paris circa 1910, stands boldly as a talisman that YOU ARE SEEN. Yes, this is our refuge.
If you look closely, this year you will see Santa in his gold lame and wry smile sitting atop the sign holding an antique Japanese magnifying glass. He sees you. This is a nod to the song lyrics, “He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been good or bad...so be good for goodness sake!”
Yes, this precious community, each and every one of you included, is a part of this magical café — this place that reminds us to be our best selves, to care more for our bodies, our furry and feathered friends, our planet and of course, each other.
Beneath the layers of your own life, no matter what you are facing, unpacking, or healing — know that you are safe to be seen here in this sacred space we created together. Maybe you’ve had a difficult time this holiday season or didn’t quite get your fa la lala la on as you had hoped. Could you give yourself a break?
I know that life feels tenuous to some right now. I want to hold optimism and light in my heart for us all. In numerology, 2025 is a ‘9’, a time of transformation and completion. Doesn’t that feel auspicious?
I invite you to infuse your new year with hope and heart. Let’s each do our part to heal what needs to be healed and to show up with compassion, not condemnation, for those who may have a difference of opinion. Let’s celebrate where we connect and create safety for each of us to be who we are...to be seen...no matter what life layers we are navigating.
I’d love to hear how this resonates with you, to learn about your layers and where you want to be seen.
Also, please help me figure out how we are going to celebrate our BIG 10-year anniversary this May!
Sorry for the delay in getting this to your inbox...I’ve been dealing with a few of my own life layers...sigh...but I trust the timing for each of us and send you so much love for your new year!
— Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock