The Pace of Life
Dec 02, 2024Though the calendar tells us it’s a time for busyness, shopping and merriment — your internal clock may be telling you something else...lean in and listen
I try not to ‘should’ myself.
You know...I should be doing this, I should be feeling that, I should be going there, etc. I caught myself doing it recently and I wanted to share it with you here because ultimately, the only place we ‘should be’ is right where we are. And maybe you need this reminder as well.
This is always a strange time of year for me. Birthdays, holidays barreling down around the corner, festivity, twinkly lights, gift-giving and an abrupt shift to cold temperatures. It’s hard to keep up!
In my last blog I wrote about my birthday...let’s just call this birthday part 2...the reality of what happened and what got stirred. Part of being where you are is acknowledging that you might not be moving at the same pace as the world around you.
I know that I ‘should’ be writing about the magic of the holidays — and it’s not that I don’t love them or get excited about them...I’m just not there yet. I feel like I’m scrambling to catch up to everyone.
Wait, how is it December already? Hold on, let me get my coat...I’m coming!
I feel like I’m in a bit of a time warp. Truth be told...I’ve been in a funk. And I know, I know...you’re not supposed to be in a funk on your birthday...but I was, and it was necessary.
Now don’t worry about me. I am good, really good in fact — which is precisely why I want to share this with you. I’m out on the other side of it all right now.
We don’t move at the pace of the calendar or to the beat of anyone else’s clock.
I drove a few of my closest people crazy this year when I escaped and hid from my birthday. I hadn’t planned to do that, but that’s just what came up. Hey, sometimes we want to be festive and other times we might want to take refuge and hide. This year was the latter for me.
At first, I judged it (and myself). I knew I disappointed people who wanted to celebrate me which made it so much harder for me to say no.
But I chose to move to the beat of my own drum. That is what I needed and that is what I gifted myself. I couldn’t explain it, but I intuitively knew that it would eventually make sense...at least to me. And it did.
We don’t have to know all the whys when we feel pulled to do something, but we can’t deny what we are feeling. Sometimes we don’t understand the complexity of energies swirling around us at any given time, but we can feel them.
Did I mention that my birthday was on election day this year? Need I say more about heightened energies? Full moons, birthdays and transitions abounded in my home and in the world around me. No wonder I escaped to the comfort of my sweet, cozy cottage and fluffy fur babies!
So yes, like a party-pooper, I postponed and cancelled my birthday celebrations. I retreated. I got quiet. I slept like a champ. I restored, renewed and eventually reawakened. I healed.
A week after my birthday my bestie recognized that I was coming back to myself. She seized the opportunity and had me open my gifts that were still piled up high in beautiful wrappings and bows on my dining room table, reminders of a declined invitation.
It’s OK. As they say, we have to trust the timing in life...particularly that of our own cadence.
I opened the presents on Facetime with her and I have to say, it was such a delight. I was giddy. The timing was right and suddenly, I felt like a little kid dancing around on Christmas morning. I could feel the excitement and anticipation as I reached for each new surprise.
I felt loved, appreciated and seen in that moment — not just by my friend, but by myself.
Yes, I may have disappointed others, but the greatest disappointment is truly that of self.
We can’t show up for anyone if we don’t first show up for ourselves.
It’s important to be aware of how, when and where we give our energy. And It’s important to remember that we need to honor how we refill our cups.
My mini-retreat literally restored me. I knew it in every cell of my body — and that is great wisdom and discernment. I think we should allow ourselves time for emotional healing in the same way that we do for our physical selves. No one ever questions when you stay home with a cold...but sadness? That’s a different story. But I don’t agree with that story.
I share this because I want you to pay attention to what you need — ‘you do you’ in whatever way you need and at whatever pace you want to move.
When I finally reemerged into the world, I had a completely new pep in my step. The physical world around me literally looked different, my internal world felt calm, inspired, excited. Yes, I had caught up.
And call it coincidence or not, the world around me conspired. Nothing bothered me, not even the chill of the sudden temperature drop and frost. I was happy and ready to receive...and receive I did.
Just that day, I had 3 of the most wonderful messages and expressions of gratitude from guests. Can I just say...this NEVER gets old. It filled my heart. One message was written on a napkin, another arrived by email and the 3rd by way of a review.
Gratitude is the best medicine for both the giver and receiver.
So, in this time of festivity and fanfare, may you know that my heart smiles with gratitude for each and every one of you who I have crossed paths with. I see some of you daily, some seasonally or perhaps only once...but your imprint remains. Please breathe that in and know you are appreciated.
And may you also give yourself permission to set your own life timer. Show up when you can for all that is important to you and honor this life ride and all the beauty around you.
I give thanks for each of you, every day. Holiday blessings to you and your home and all who enter.
I just have to share this incredible review...
A Consistent Gem in Woodstock
Every visit to Woodstock feels incomplete without a meal at this delightful restaurant, which has quickly become a staple for us whenever we're in town. With its perfect blend of creativity, flavor, and a focus on healthy ingredients, this spot offers an exceptional meal every time.
The menu has a variety of dishes that are both nourishing and inventive, demonstrating the chef’s talent for turning fresh, wholesome ingredients into something truly special. Whether you’re craving a vibrant vegetable-based dish or vegan protein with an unexpected twist, the offerings here are always crafted with care and an eye for balance. The flavors are rich but never overwhelming, and the use of seasonal, locally sourced ingredients ensures that each plate feels fresh and thoughtfully prepared.
The plates are large—perfect for those who want a hearty meal or those who want to share—that satisfy without feeling heavy. It's a place where you can indulge in delicious, healthy food and leave feeling energized, not sluggish.
What truly sets this restaurant apart is its consistent quality. We’ve been here numerous times over the years, and each visit has been marked by impeccable service and a consistently excellent meal. The atmosphere is welcoming and relaxed, making it the ideal spot for a leisurely lunch in the Garden (or inside when it's cold) after exploring the beauty of Woodstock.
It's easy to see why it has garnered such a loyal following. If you're looking for delicious, healthy food made in creative ways, with large portions that never skimp on quality, this place is a true standout. Highly recommended.
Food: 5/5 Service: 5/5 Atmosphere: 5/5
And another...
—Lea Haas, Owner, The Garden Cafe Woodstock